SEALIFE Weymouth fish for facts quiz answers

Looking for the answers to the SEALIFE Weymouth facts quiz? You’ve come to the right place.
We visited SEALIFE Weymouth earlier this year at the start of Summer and upon entry was given information on feeding/talk times, posters and a fun quiz.
The quiz is mean to be done whilst you walk around the attractions, it can be done in any order but easier if you do it based on the numbers on the sheet.
You can’t just ‘google’ the questions as they differ from the answers on the quiz. We do recommend you attempt this yourself like we did as its more fun but if you’re looking for an easy life and want to grab the gifts at the end, look no further.
Here’s the list of answers along with their relative questions:
- Harbourside – How many square kilometres of sea grass beds are there on earth?
A. 177,000 - Tropical Lagoon – How many species of shark are there?
B. 350 - Rainforest – If rainforests the size of England and Wales keep getting destroyed, roughly by what year will there be none left?
C. 2060 - Nursery – How many species of seahorse do SEA LIFE breed?
A. 13 - Rockpool – Where are starfish’s ’eyes’?
A. End of each arm - Shipwreck – What colour does coral go when it dies?
C. White - Humboldts – How deep can a Humboldt Penguin dive?
B. 15metres - Turtle sanctuary – How long does it take a plastic bottle to break down in the sea?
C. 450 years - Ocean Tunnel – How many teeth does a shark lose in a lifetime?
A. 30,000 - Wetlands – What amount of fresh water species can be found in ponds?
C. Two thirds - Seals – What is the most important item in a Seal rescue?
B. Towels - Fairy Penguin Island – How long will a Fairy Penguin Chick remain in it’s nest?
A. 5 weeks - Otters – True or False?
Asian Short Clawed Otters are the smallest in the world?
A. True
We hope you enjoyed the quiz as much as we did. Remember the quiz is just for fun and is best off discovering the answers yourself.
At the end, remember to hand in the sheet behind the shop to claim your prize(s).
Helpful tips whilst doing the SEA LIFE Weymouth Quiz
- Take a spare quiz sheet and you can scratch off for the answers to then apply to your main sheet.
- If looking for the answers, looks on information boards, in and around tanks and by entrances and exits.
- Watch out for the rockpool wave of water at the back!
- If you cant find the answers you can always ask a member of staff!