Slimming World
I started Slimming World at the end of June 2013. So far on my Slimming World journey i have lost approximately 1st 6 lbs (although recently put 6 of that back on due to my holiday and eating all of the wrong things).
At the beginning of my journey i set a target to lose 2 stone. Although it has taken me a while i think Slimming world is a brilliant way to lose weight, you also get a chance to meet a network of people through staying to group; where you can talk about any problems or challenges you are facing as well as sharing tips.
The difference between these two photos of myself is 1 stone and there is 7 months between the two photos.
As from today, I am going to get back on track, making sure i cook my own meals, starting with cooking a new recipe I’ve never tried cooking; which is Thai green curry.